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Policies and Procedures on Academic Integrity

Penn State University policies and procedures on academic integrity primarily come from the University Faculty Senate (UFS) and the Administrative Council on Undergraduate Education (ACUE). In some cases, policies and procedures related to graduate education are provided by the Penn State Graduate School and Graduate Council.

UFS Policy 49-20 Academic Integrity is the primary policy related to academic integrity at Penn State. The policy defines academic integrity and sets expectations for students, faculty, administrators and colleges to act in accordance with its key principle, “…the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner.”

ACUE Policy and Procedure G-9 Academic Integrity establishes detailed policies and procedures for students, faculty, administrators and colleges regarding the steps to take when a violation of academic integrity is suspected.

Each college at Penn State is expected to develop its own policies and procedures on academic integrity, consistent with University policy. On this website, the College of Health and Human Development provides information on our HHD academic integrity policies and procedures, guidance for students, and guidance for faculty.

Students and faculty who are involved in a suspected violation of academic integrity are strongly encouraged to review the UFS, ACUE and HHD information linked above. Any questions regarding academic integrity policies and procedures can be directed to the HHD Academic Integrity Coordinator listed below. 

HHD Academic Integrity Coordinator Contact Information 

Students, faculty or others who have questions about academic integrity policies and procedures are encouraged to contact the HHD academic integrity coordinator. 

Dennis G. Shea 
Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Outreach Programs 
Academic Integrity Coordinator 
College of Health and Human Development
The Pennsylvania State University 
104C Henderson Building University Park, PA 16802

Heather Zimmerman 
Academic Integrity Staff Assistant 
103B Henderson Building