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Faculty/Staff Resources
What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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A doctor is fitting a hearing aid in a young child.

As an HHD alum, you already know that The College of Health and Human Development prepares passionate individuals for a host of careers that help people throughout the course of their lifespan.

What you may not know is that we also offer you lifelong access to a strong network of peers and professionals who often open doors to career opportunities, networking, and rewarding ways to give back.

Alumni Career Services

Penn State Alumni Career Services — Take advantage of alumni services that support career changes and job transitions, from job search tools to networking opportunities, resume reviews, and one-to-one counseling.

Alumni Mentoring/Coaching Opportunities

HHD Mentoring Program — One of the most valuable contributions you can make to The College of Health and Human Development. By offering your advice and sharing your professional interests and experiences with our current students, you’ll build long-term professional relationships and contribute in a meaningful way to HHD’s lasting legacy.

Penn State Alumni Association — Offers two programs that connect students with alumni:

  • LionLink is a career-focused community of Penn State alumni and students. Alumni can share career insights with fellow alumni and students while growing their professional network.
  • FastStart is a faculty/alumni/student triad mentoring program that is designed to assist first-year students in making a successful transition to being a University student.