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School of Hospitality Management
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Completing and documenting the 1000 hours of hospitality professional experience is a prerequisite for taking HM 492: Advanced Professional Seminar in Hospitality Management during students’ final semester in the School of Hospitality Management.

For each job or internship that a student seeks to qualify, two sources of documentation are required:

  1. The employer needs to complete and sign the Employer Professional Experience Verification Form, which details the place of employment, position held, major responsibilities, hours worked, and related information. The employer may alternatively provide a letter with the required information in lieu of completing the form.
  2. Students are required to complete the Student Professional Experience Verification Form and provide a pay record or W2 tax form showing their hours worked or earnings.

The Student Records Office in 201K Mateer maintains a professional experience file for each student. Students are responsible for ensuring all materials have been submitted in a timely fashion. Students should submit their documentation as soon as possible after completing their professional experience. However, hours must be documented within four months of the final day of employment.

As indicated above, completing and documenting the 1000-hour requirement is a prerequisite for HM 492: Advanced Professional Seminar in Hospitality Management. Thus, students may not take HM 492 until all professional experience is completed and documented. If students reach their final semester, but have not completed and documented their professional experience, their only alternative may be to take a semester off to complete the requirement. Careful planning of academic courses and professional experiences can avoid this challenge.

Any falsification of hours, signatures, or other submitted materials will be considered a violation of Penn State’s academic integrity policy and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.