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Academic Calendar - Key dates and deadline for current and future semesters. 

Health Profession Advising - Available to any Penn State student who wants to explore, prepare, and apply for training in a health profession career.

Penn State Learning - Multi-disciplinary academic assistance program that is staffed by peer tutors who are themselves undergraduates, by scholars in residence who are content experts in their respective fields, and by professional and administrative staff member.

Registrar - University-wide responsibility for student academic records and related processes.

Undergraduate Admissions - Transferring credits to Penn State.

University Libraries - Borrowing, course reserves, rooms & spaces, technology & equipment, adaptive technology & services, etc.

Cost and Aid

Office of the Bursar - Bill payment

Financial Literacy - The Pennsylvania State University Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center’s mission is to provide students with the ability to use knowledge and skills to manage financial resources effectively for a lifetime of financial well being

Student Aid - Financial Aid and eligibility information


LionPATH - is Penn State’s student information system, which provides students with access to their academic, registration, and financial records.  Students can enroll for classes, view/accept their financial aid awards, and view their tuition bills.

Student Life, Support, and Services

Career Services - Committed to offering a comprehensive array of programs and services that supports and facilitates career development for all students.

Clubs and Interest Groups - Exploration, leadership opportunities, exploration, community engagement and development through educational and experiential opportunities.

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)- Counseling center.

Global Programs - International Students and Education Abroad.

Office of Affirmative Action - Serves as a resource in promoting and furthering the University’s commitment to equal opportunity and diversity.

The Office for Diversity and Inclusion - Promotes the core values of diversity, equity and inclusion that cultivates a welcoming climate for the College of Health and Human Development's students, faculty and staff

Office of Student Conduct - The office supports the University's mission by promoting a just, safe, orderly, and supportive university climate

Student Care & Advocacy - Provides Penn State students with the necessary tools and support to make difficult situations more manageable.

Student Disability Resources - Designated office that provides reasonable accommodations and services to students with disabilities enrolled at the University Park campus.

Penn State Keep Learning- Health & Safety Updates

The Lion’s Pantry- All campuses have food pantries on campus or in the community.

Health Promotion & Wellness- Excellent resource for student health education and information.

Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy- Inclusion, equity, and diversity are central to Penn State’s obligation and commitment as a public institution of higher education to provide effective teaching for all people in our communities