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Biobehavioral Health
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BBH 501 Biobehavioral Systems in Health and Development: Theory and Processes (3) Examination of theories and basic processes for understanding individuals as dynamic biobehavioral complex systems functioning through continual inter- actions.

BBH 502 (PSY 502) Health: Biobehavioral Perspectives (3) Introduction to the role of psychology in maintaining health and in treating nonpsychiatric disorders.

BBH 503 Biobehavioral Systems in Health and Development: Processes and Integration (3) Examination and integration of basic processes for understanding individuals as dynamic biobehavioral complex systems functioning through continual interactions.
Prerequisite: or concurrent: BBH 501

BBH 504 Behavioral Health Intervention Strategies (3) Evaluation of intervention strategies from a biobehavioral health context. Theories of change processes as they pertain to health are analyzed. 
Prerequisite: BBH 502, BBH 503

BBH 505 Behavioral Health Research Strategies (3) Research strategies in behavioral health investigations are examined. Designs and data analytic models relevant to biobehavioral research are included. 
Prerequisite: coursework in research design and/or introductory statistics

BBH 597x/506 Advanced Biobehavioral Research Strategies. (1-9) Continuation of data analytic models relevant to biobehavioral research.

BBH 521 Structural Equation Modeling (3) Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL and Amos. Confirmatory factor analysis; regression and path analysis with manifest/latent variables; special applications.
Prerequisite: HDFS 519, HDFS 526

BBH 551 World Health Promotion (3) Analysis of the various health problems that affect humans throughout the world; emphasis will be placed on personal health issues.

BBH 590 Colloquium (1-3) Continuing seminars which consist of a series of individual lectures by faculty, students, or outside speakers.

BBH 594 Research Topics (1-18) Supervised student activities on research projects identified on an individual or small group basis.

BBH 595 Internship (1-18) Supervised off-campus, nongroup instruction, including field experiences, practicums, or internships. Written and oral critique of activity required.

BBH 596 Individual Studies (1-9) Creative projects, including nonthesis research, which are supervised on an individual basis and which fall outside the scope of formal courses.

BBH 597A Advanced Behavioral Research Strategies (3) This course is an experimental course which serves as continuation of BBH 505. 
Prerequisite: BBH 505 or permission of instructor