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Accelrated MPH Program

Earn Two Degrees in Five Years

New Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate program (IUG) for Penn State Biobehavioral Health, Kinesiology, and Health Policy and Administration students. 

Penn State College of Health and Human Development and the Penn State College of Medicine’s Dept. of Public Health Sciences are offering an accelerated degree for undergraduates at University Park enrolled in either Health Policy and Administration (HPA), Biobehavioral Health (BBH) or Kinesiology (KINES) undergraduate degree programs. HPA, BBH and KINES students can earn both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree as part of this new IUG.

Those enrolled in the program have four years to complete their undergraduate coursework at University Park, then complete their MPH degree in Hershey. Penn State BBH, HPA and KINES students interested in the accelerated program must have a GPA of 3.25 or above. The MPH degree requires 42 credits, of which 12 can be double counted. BBH, HPA and KINES students take some graduate-level courses during their senior year of their undergraduate degree.

Apply Online

Students apply to the accelerated program during their junior year through the Penn State Graduate School (not SOPHAS). Applications must be submitted by February 15.


Email Carol LaRegina at

Visit the Penn State Hershey program website for more information.