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Faculty/Staff Resources
What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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We know that this has been a challenging time for many and we want to remind faculty and staff of the resources available to assist you in your support of our students.

  • The University has provided a resource for faculty and staff to help you when you encounter a student who may need help, which is called the Red Folder. This resource provides information on recognizing, responding, referring, and providing resources for students. If you have a student who is no longer at University Park but is close to a campus, you may want to use the resources listed for the closest campus rather than UP to help with referrals. 
  • The Student Affairs website also has many resources related to COVID-19, general health and wellness, and counseling options provided by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). CAPS will continue to offer vital student services, including same-day phone support, individual counseling, and daily virtual Life Hacks sessions. A comprehensive list of student support resources can be found on the Keep Learning website.
  • Overall guidance for students can be found at the Penn State Keep Learning website.
  • Penn State Learning is providing tutoring and study group support for students. Their upcoming “Study Smarter” sessions are a great way to help students learn good college study habits and Fall 2021 dates will be announced soon.