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Sponsored by the Nutrition and Dietetics Alumni Society, an Affiliate Program Group of the College of Health and Human Development Alumni Society and the Penn State Alumni Association


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: The John E. Smith Outstanding Senior in Nutrition is given to a graduating senior majoring in Nutrition, either the science or applied options, who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and service to the community.

Eligibility and Criteria

Candidate must:

  • Be a graduating senior majoring in Nutrition (Science or Applied option).
  • Have completed at least 90 credits including the course, Nutrition 445, and plan to graduate in December, May or August.
  • Have demonstrated exemplary leadership in the College of Health and Human Development and/or University.
  • Have shown exemplary service to the community

Nominating Procedure

Students (undergraduate or graduates in Nutrition), faculty, staff, and alumni may make nominations. Students may also nominate themselves.

Application Procedure

Applications are now being accepted through December 20th.

To apply, the following information should be sent to Elise Deming at by December 20, 2021.

  1. Completed application form (See below).
  2. Statement by the candidate, not to exceed one page, double-spaced with font size no smaller than 12 point, describing how he/she has demonstrated the qualities listed in the award criteria listed above.
  3. Two letters of reference: One each from a faculty, staff member, work/volunteer supervisor or an undergraduate or graduate student. One letter must be from either a faculty or staff member in the College of Health and Human Development.


Selection Committee

The recipient of this award shall be selected by the Awards Committee of the Nutrition and Dietetics Alumni Society and approved by the board of directors.


$100 and engraved plaque to be presented to the recipient at the NDAS brunch and recognition on NDAS website. The NDAS award will be granted one time per year.

Previous Award Winners
2019-2020 Marisa Langton
2018-2019 Mackenzie Lombardi and Paris Winston
2017-2018 Ella Lundquist
2016-2017 Emily Schoettler
2015-2016 Jennifer Dang
2014-2015 Morgan Cooper
2013-2014 Charlotte Bahnfleth
2012-2013 Katherine Hatfield
2011-2010 Ashley Rickard
2010-2011 Alyssa Codrick
2009-2008 Sara Konczylo
2008-2009 Samantha Thompson
2007-2008 Rebecca Ferguson
2006-2007 Samantha Moro
2005-2006 Jennifer Regester
2004-2005 Holly Hantz
2003-2004 Alexandria Blatt
2002-2003 Annina Burns
2001-2002 Lacey Wingard