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Goal 4: Improving college operations and resources

Objective 4.1:  Update internal budgeting and resource allocation processes for academic and central units to align with University expectations and provide increased transparency, efficiency, predictability, and autonomy 

Action Item 4.1.1

Fully transition to a transparent all-funds sources and uses unit budgeting model to include multi-year budgeting.

Implementation tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Integrate systematic planning for episodic costs (including start-up funding, salary equity adjustments, etc.) into the budgeting process.
  • Develop a comprehensive approach for managing carryforward at the individual faculty, academic unit, and college level that allows effective planning for future initiatives while maximizing current funds availability. 
  • As part of the larger transition stated above, manage implementation of SAP budget planning module and be prepared to supplement with embedded HHD processes during the transitory period. 
  • Adapt and integrate University level guidance as appropriate
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

HHD Finance, Dean

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Episodic costs integrated into budget planning, comprehensive carryforward management strategy in place, college approach maximizes tools and opportunities introduced by the University.

Start and end dates icon-olus-circle

July 2021- June 2023

Action Item 4.1.2

Develop a schema for making resource allocations to units that support strategic objectives at the college and unit level at the necessary scale to accomplish the intended goals, and are sensitive to performance, encourage entrepreneurship, and emphasize cross unit collaboration.

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Work with unit heads to develop an approach to define and clarify performance indicators, provide definitions, examples and expectations of entrepreneurship, and define cross unit collaboration.
  • Create approaches to collate/collect and review data reflecting goals, performance indicators, entrepreneurial and collaborative activities.
  • Phase-in above named definitions and indicators – as well as the relevant data – into the budget planning process for HHD such that resource allocation is matched at the necessary scale for unit goals and needs 
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

HHD Finance, Dean, Unit Heads

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Performance indicators established and presented in unambiguous fashion that is both understandable and translatable across the organization; incorporation into budget process.

Start and end dates icon-olus-circle

Fall 2021-June 2023 

Action Item 4.1.3

Support units in the pursuit of more responsive and transparent budget management and accounting practices. 

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Develop a calendar of typical accounting transactions to include communication between HHD Finance and unit finance staff when transactions occur.
  • Move timing of budget preparation to occur earlier, i.e., early spring so that a more iterative process can take place.
  • Working within the constraints of the University's timing regarding budget practices, develop an approach for units to safely make budgetary decisions based on HHD projections.
  • Provide unit-level budget updates at least mid-fiscal year
  • Advocate for the development of more accurate and responsive account management tools for academic units and faculty as part of extended SIMBA conversion.
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

HHD Finance

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Transaction calendar posted; budget process timing altered; mid-year updates regularly provided.

Start and end dates icon-olus-circle

Jan 2021 - Jan 2024

Key Performance Indicators

College units are operating on right-sized budgets with incentives for performance and entrepreneurship that don’t create an overly competitive  environment supported by timely, accurate, and accessible accounting.