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Faculty/Staff Resources
What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Bird's eye view of the study abroad fair in the Health and Human Development Building.

If you are interested in studying abroad or have studied abroad, there are a number of opportunities for you to interact with like-minded students at Penn State.

Courses that count for credit

When conducting a program search on the Global Programs website, you can view the “Historical Course List” for that program, which will show you which courses have been assigned a Penn State course number.

Foundations in Global Engagement (FiGE)

For any first-year Penn State student (undergraduate, graduate, or transfer) who is interested in building multinational relationships.

Global Engagement and Leadership Experience (GELE)

A selective organization that provides students with conversation about global leadership through twice-a-year conferences.

Become an Education Abroad Peer Advisor

Peer advisors are students who have studied abroad who volunteer to advise fellow students who are interested in going abroad.

Global Ambassadors

A student organization that creates awareness about study abroad opportunities and connects Penn State students with education abroad resources.

Historical Course List

Clicking on "View Historical Course List" will show you a list of courses that have been assigned a Penn State course number, as shown in the example below.

Historical Course List Sample

If a course that you want to take has not been assigned a course number, you will need to submit a course equivalency request. More information on the course equivalency process is available here.

Online Study Abroad 101 Module
This module covers a wide range of topics, including the application process and how to view budget sheets for each program.