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Mentoring Program FAQ's

What is the HHD Mentoring Program icon-olus-circle

The College of Health and Human Development Mentoring Program connects HHD students and alumni by matching students who are juniors in their academic department with professionals in their field(s) of interest who can offer advice and information about career options or other issues relevant to particular fields. 

What is the time commitment / length of the mentoring program icon-olus-circle

The mentoring program begins with an initial orientation and goal setting face-to-face meeting, followed by 19 months of ongoing interactions as students can explore career choices, internship opportunities, and post graduation plans with their mentor. 

 Mentoring Program Time Table 

July 1  Application opens 

Sept 1- Application closes

September- Program orientation event for mentors and mentees

September -Match notifications are sent 

November- Mentoring Kickoff event 

What are the requirements of the mentoring program? icon-olus-circle


There are no milestones you need to achieve in the program, but the most successful mentoring relationships are those that dedicate time and effort. We recommend communicating with your mentor or mentee on a monthly basis via phone, email or video chat. Both mentees and mentors share in the responsibility of staying in touch and identifying ways in which you wish to work together. 

It is required for mentees to attend the mentoring orientation session and highly recommended for both mentees and mentors to attend the mentoring kickoff event. 

How are students and mentors matched? icon-olus-circle

Mentors and students are matched based on the information they submit in their application. Our office then carefully matches student intentions based on:  job position, workplace setting, experience, and professional development skills they hope to learn. 

What if my current occupation is not within the HHD major I graduated from? icon-olus-circle

The mentoring program is open to all alumni of the College of Health and Human Development, as well as Penn State alumni working in HHD-related fields. We have many mentors who are not working in the industry of their degree major.

For example, a hospitality management alumni mentor who is now working in medical device sales.  

I'm a student and I plan to study abroad, can I still participate in the mentoring program? icon-olus-circle

If you are studying abroad please email Mentoring Program Coordinator, Brooke Owen at for how you should proceed. 

What all is involved in the application process? icon-olus-circle

The application for mentors requires information such as degree, graduation year, continuing education degrees, career summary and  work history. 

The student application requires basic academic information, career interests, relevant experience, and a letter of intent. 

I'm a student, how do I apply? icon-olus-circle

The HHD Mentoring Program application  is open to students with junior academic standing in beginning of the fall 2022 semester. The application can be found on the College of Health and Human Development website. 


I'm a mentor, how do I apply? icon-olus-circle

The HHD Mentoring Program application is open mid summer on the Health and Human Development website. HHD alumni or Penn State alumni working in a HHD related field are eligible to apply.

I'm having trouble communicating with my student or mentor, what should I do? icon-olus-circle

We do our best to match students and mentors based on the information provided in the applications, however sometimes two people just do not "click."  Please contact Mentoring Program Coordinator, Brooke Owen at to discuss the situation. 

Is it acceptable to offer an internship to my mentee? icon-olus-circle

Yes, if you are in a position where you are able to offer an internship to your mentee, it is very much encouraged. Please note, students are aware, the mentoring program is not an internship, or a job placement program, but if an internship or job opportunity arises please kindly inform Mentoring Program Coordinator, Brooke Owen

Students should also coordinate internships with their respective internship coordinator. 


What about shadowing? icon-olus-circle

If it is feasible by both the mentor and student, mentors are encouraged to invite their mentee to shadow them in their workplace. Shadowing is NOT a requirement of the mentoring program. Students and mentors should inform Brooke Owen at if the student plans to shadow. 

Travel and associated expenses are the student's responsibility.